I step up to the burgeoning purple tree, expectant. I inspect it from sky to ground and back again. I gently pull one flexible branch towards my face. My nose cuddles with the buddleia cone and I inhale. I breathe in childhood. I breathe deeply of security. I blithely breathe in fun, adventure, carefree days. I breathe love, happiness, delight. I imbibe pure peace.
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for giving me this. Thank you for planting and anchoring memories such as these in me as I grew.
What a marvelous description of olifactory pleasure evoking childhood memories and feelings of true peace!
I am in my childhood home as I write this. The smell of honeysuckle has a similar effect on me.
Many blessings and best of luck with your new blog adventure,
Posted by: Christine | May 30, 2004 at 02:03 PM
As your mother, I take great pleasure in reading this word picture of present and past joined by the tip of your beautiful nose! Fragrance is a marvelous gift, whether flowers, cinnamon from a baking apple pie, or just the smell of an ocean breeze, all salty and fresh with life's possibilities. Writing this from France at Nathalie's computer, I am newly returned from a fabulous trip down memory lane of my own. Singing songs of praise to God at the EBCG this morning with Jan Kuster on one side, Jessica and Mark on the other, and Ruth Bourgeois in front of me (Gerald at the piano), caused a flood tide of emotional bliss and tears flowed, too. I love you so very much, my daughter. Much to share aobu this trip
Posted by: Patricia Taylor | May 30, 2004 at 06:25 PM
Ooo, K, you bring back so many memories by just suggesting what has brought yours back! This weekend I was at my childhood home and must say that a particular sounds takes me back -- the cheerful chirping of tree frogs. They inspired me to "rescue" (save?) some childhood toys from being sold on e-bay. My treasured wooden "peoples" (along with furniture including a little plastic stroller and deck furniture) are now happily sitting in a box waiting to be placed on a prominent shelf (out of mom's basement!).
It has been a weekend of memories -- some olfactory, some sitting on a shelf happily smiling back at me (albeit a bit faded).
Posted by: Suzanne | June 03, 2004 at 02:44 AM
Our buddleia is fifteen feet into the sky here at Cedar Hill Farm, and how I have to reach to pull down a branch and inhale the sweetness. Yes, honeysuckle and pink roses line our driveway and I am blessed to have a family who enjoys reliving memories through the senses. How happy I am, also, that Suzanne (I am her Mom and Christine's too) has her "people's" on her shelf. Great venture, Katherine.
Aunt Willow
Posted by: Willow Drinkwater | June 11, 2004 at 09:22 PM