...sometimes the only thing to savor is the fact something terrible is over. Like nightmares about your children.
Almost 2 hours after fleeing from the bed to avoid repeating that dream, I received some insight as to the source of it. But upon waking, feeling like I'd been sobbing for an hour, all I wanted was to get away from that place of terror and sadness.
Which makes yesterday's post seem like utter foolishness. I considered removing the post, but I think I'll leave it there as a witness to the different moods I can be in...
Katherine, yes, life has its difficult moments, moments you endure, rather than savor. Though I imagine we can find the Lord no matter where we are.
I wish life didn't have so much pain in it (don't think mine has all that much, even tho. I am battling a chronic illness) but since I'm more attuned to other's suffering because of this illness, I am more aware of the many types of pain people face. It is sobering and sad. I've learned to count my blessings when I'm feeling down. And to focus on the Lord and who he is. That often lifts me. Of course I couldn't make it without knowing I'm not alone. The web is great for making friends who are in the same boat as I am. :-)
Sorry you had that awful moment. Glad is has passed. OH, that is another of my favorite sayings, "this too shall pass."
Posted by: Helen | June 30, 2004 at 05:53 AM
Great points to think about, Helen. Thank you so much for your encouragement. *You* are a blessing!
Posted by: Katherine | June 30, 2004 at 06:01 AM
Wow, Katherine. I'm sorry you had such a bad dream. I pray for protection and peace for you tonight.
It's true that writing on the Internet is an interesting study of impermanence. Of course, you can always delete what you wrote. And yet, it remains in places, such as aggregators and memories.
I'm grateful God is constant, no matter what kind of dream we have or what we see written on the Web or whatever happens in our lives. This is a truth I am learning now...both the daily reality of His love through the roller coaster rides, and the gratitude for Him.
Posted by: Julie | June 30, 2004 at 06:44 AM
tania & our prayers with you tonight...
Posted by: enoch choi | June 30, 2004 at 08:30 AM