Julie's one year bloggiversary (is there a standardized way to spell that yet? ;-) was last week, since she began July 20th of 2003. I must have missed the party at her site! I think it would have been worthy of one, anyway. I've been blogging for exactly 2 months today.
I was googling for the spelling of blogiversary / bloggiversary and got to a site also celebrating (one year last April), and noticed two comments by people I've seen mentioned on Julie's blog, although I'd never heard of the blogger they were commenting on. Small blogging world. And everyone seems to be tentative about how to spell the newly minted word. I also found blogoversary and bloggaversary as other options. Take your pick.
On the way to and from soccer camp this morning, I listened to Julie's audio interview online. Fun! Nice to hear your kids, too, Julie - they were so quiet until their own mini-interview at the end!
Thanks, Katherine! Actually my anniversary post was next in queue but I've been too busy to keep up with everything and too tired last night to push the "publish" button...thanks for listening to the interview and paying attention to details! :-) Yes, it is a small world. Thanks for letting me know of another blog...I liked the lemons of praise too and it seems perhaps it compensated for the rats..:-)
Posted by: Julie | July 27, 2004 at 01:46 AM
Oops...forgot to mention that the kids did their own MP3 too but Philippe didn't post it!
Posted by: Julie | July 27, 2004 at 01:55 AM