Been away at Mission Springs Homeschool Science Camp all week. Our third year there, and a good time, despite me arriving there with a cold and Jason arriving home to more yucky stomach trouble. We're all doing well now.
David and Jason put banana slugs on their noses. Ten seconds of this experience is the requirement for becoming a non-cheating member of the Banana Slug Club. They have yellow membership cards which the naturalist leading the group signs to make it official. Some children receive a card even without executing this maneuver, but we know who the REAL members are... Somehow we didn't get any photos of it this year, but we have an impressively disgusting one from two years ago:
When we got home, even Mom was sufficiently newly well-informed to make a guess that this growth on the stump outside our gate might be Turkey Tail Fungus:
ooooh! Welcome back home. When I first read the post I thought David and Jason had put banana slugs *in* their noses. Now that would have been something...maybe I was thinking of a former BCF tradition that also seemed gross to me...
I'm sick now too. Hope you all get better soon!
Posted by: Julie | January 31, 2005 at 05:47 AM
Sure does give one pause before ordering a banana split now....
Glad you are all better!
Posted by: Patricia Taylor | February 01, 2005 at 07:40 AM
Eww. I haven't seen a banana slug in years. But on one's face?!?
Posted by: Jon | February 01, 2005 at 08:19 PM
Ewww Banana slugs! Laughing at the Turkey tail fungus! Ha ha!!
Sickness seems to be everywhere, I guess its that time of the year.
Nice to finally see a different post! :-D
Posted by: Helen | February 02, 2005 at 06:46 AM